How to Boardslide: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Boardslides are one of the most remarkable and popular skateboard tricks out there. They involve sliding the board along a rail or edge, with the rider standing nearly 90 degrees to the obstacle. 

It’s a fundamental skateboarding trick for beginners that opens the door to many other advanced tricks. Anyone can learn how to boardslide with practice. It is one of the easiest tricks, to begin with. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to boardslide, including some tips and tricks to help you master the trick.

Getting Started: Preparing for Your First Boardslide

Before attempting a boardslide, it’s essential to ensure you’re comfortable riding your skateboard and have a good sense of balance. And obviously, you should know how to ollie. Also, before attempting a boardslide, you must arrange and tick the following checkboxes:

  • Find a good spot. Look for a rail or curb low to the ground and not too long.
  • Wax the rail. It will help your board slide smoothly and make it easier to learn the trick.
  • Wear protective gear: always wear proper protective gear like knee and elbow pads when attempting new tricks.

How to Boardslide: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Approach the Rail or Curb

Approach the rail or curb at a moderate speed, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart on your skateboard. As you approach the obstacle, crouch and prepare to ollie onto it.

Step 2: Ollie Onto the Rail or Curb

As you approach the obstacle, ollie onto it with both feet and clear the rail or curb completely. Keep your weight centered over the board to maintain balance.

Step 3: Rotate Your Board

Once your board is in the air, use your shoulders and hips to rotate the board 90 degrees in the direction you want to slide. Keep your weight centered and your eyes focused on the end of the rail or curb.

Step 4: Slide Along the Rail or Curb

As you slide along the rail or curb, keep your weight centered over the board and your eyes focused on the end of the rail or curb. Use your knees and ankles to adjust your balance as needed.

Step 5: Prepare to Exit the Slide

As you approach the end of the rail or curb, prepare to exit the slide by rotating your board back to its original position. Keep your weight centered and prepare to ollie off the rail or curb.

Step 6: Ollie Off the Rail or Curb

As you exit the slide, ollie off the rail or curb with both feet, making sure to clear it completely. Keep your weight centered over the board to maintain the balance.

Step 7: Land and Roll Away

Land back on your skateboard with both feet and roll away smoothly. Congratulations, you’ve successfully executed a boardslide!

Tips and Tricks for Mastering the Boardslide

Here are some tips and tricks to help you master the boardslide:

  • Start with a low rail because learning the boardslide on a low rail is easy. 
  • Keeping your weight centered over the rail is essential to maintain balance and control.
  • Turning your shoulders can help you initiate the slide and turn your board back at the end of the rail.
  • Don’t be afraid to commit to the trick. It may take a few tries to get it right, but you’ll get there with practice.

Remember, learning how to boardslide takes time and practice. Start with a low rail or curb and gradually move to more challenging obstacles. With some patience and practice, you can master the boardslide and move on to more advanced tricks.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Learning to Boardslide

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when learning to boardslide:

  • Not waxing the rail: with wax, it will be much easier to slide your board along the rail.
  • Not committing: if you hesitate or bail out mid-trick, you won’t be able to learn the proper technique
  • Leaning too far back or forward.


Learning how to boardslide takes time and practice, but with determination and a willingness to learn, anyone can master this trick. Start by finding a low rail or curb, waxing it, and getting comfortable with the technique. Remember to keep your weight centered and commit to the trick. With patience and practice, you can master the boardslide and move on to more advanced tricks. Keep practicing and have fun!

Robert Miles
Written by Robert Miles

Robert Miles is an enthusiastic skateboarder and writer who enjoys exploring various models of skateboards, longboards, and hoverboards. Here at Skate Review, he shares his experience and writes engaging guides to inspire others.

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